Zoning Board of Appeals

ZBA Information

All Petitions for Variance need to be submitted with a $175 payment to the Municipal Building no later than 20 days prior to the meeting.

The Zoning Board of Appeals meets by appointment only. Variance applications are submitted to the Building Department in the Lancaster Town Hall at 21 Central Avenue, after which meetings are then scheduled. The Zoning Board will meet, as needed, on the first Thursday of the month at 7:15 pm in the Council Chambers on the second floor of the Lancaster Municipal Building. All Zoning Board hearings are open to the public and advertised in the Lancaster Bee newspaper.

Next ZBA Hearing

June 6, at 7:15 pm

The following properties submitted a petition and will be heard at this meeting:

5455 Broadway St.

7 Wilma Dr.

2 Sherwood Rd.

50 Camner Ave.

113 Irwinwood Rd.

70 Fairfield Ave.

312 Aurora St.

The cut off date for this meeting was May 17, 2024. July’s meeting has been cancelled due to the meeting falling on the Fourth of July.

To be in August’s meeting, please submit your application with the Town Building Department by July 12, 2024.

Board Members

David Blakely


Term Expires: April 3, 2028

Jennie Smith

Deputy Chair

Term Expires: April 5, 2026

James F. Volpe

Committee Member

Term Expires: April 6, 2025


Andrew M. Debbins

Committee Member

Term Expires: April 2, 2029

Carl Adolf

Committee Member

Term Expires: April 1, 2027